Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hobby: Thunderwolf Cavalry

I recently ordered a supply of Thunderwolf models from a small Phillippines company called Mythicast. Their website can be found at www.mythicast.com. After a relatively short time(not even 20 days in all), a pretty small box arrived into my clutching hands. After taking tally to make sure nothing was broken, I started assembling my Wolf Lord, shown below.

I didn’t take pictures during the assembly for him, but got some for each stage of assembly with my second model. First, dealing with resin is a little different than plastic. When resin is cast, the mold is coated with a loosening agent to keep the resin from adhering to it. Some of the agent is left on the actual resin model, which means you need to clean it first. The reccommended solution from Mythicast is Tide powdered detergent in warm water. I’ve found that letting the model parts soak for an hour or two followed by a scrubbing with a toothbrush to make sure none of the loosening agent is left works great. Here’s my second Thunderwolf just after coming out of the bath.

After letting it air dry, I make sure to test fit all the parts, as well as clean off any bubbles left on the model. I was very impressed with Mythicast’s models, the amount of bubble cleaning needed was minimal. Once the cleaning is done, I start assembling. Once the model’s finished, I give it a once over and touch up any gaps with some green stuff(Some of you may notice there’s gaps on the models pictured, that’s only because my supply of green stuff is nonexistent at the moment). And this is the assembled model, before adding the upper torso, and then once the whole model is finished.

And finally, here are two pictures of the fully painted Wolf Lord. The paint stuck to him really well, although Space Wolves Grey on plain grey primer is a lot lighter than it is on black, so I used an Asurmen Blue wash to darken the color and give it that sort of stormy sky effect and it turned out great.

And that’s all there is to it. Overall, I rate the Mythicast models at 9/10, and their customer service at 5/5. My only problem with the models is most of the Space Wolf torsos don’t fit, but nothing a little modelling work wont fix.