Thursday, June 16, 2011

BATTLE REPORTS: Marathon match

Whew, just got 3 of the 4 games i was due to play in the summer campaign my FLGS was running, I was playing my Tyranids, he was running Grey Knights. Dont have pictures sadly, but the final tally was two wins for the bugs and one for the knights. The two games I won were both Capture and Control, and were due mainly to me fiercely holding my objective, while one of my Trygon Prime went after his in one game and my Ymgarls ripped the squad holding his in the other to little bits. The third game was Annihilation, and his list that game was all mech/Jump Infantry Dreadknights... without much ranged firepower I couldnt catch those blasted Stormravens. Oh well...

This is the list I was using, is the same one I'll be taking to a tournament on Saturday, so here's hoping for the best

Hive Tyrant - Lash Whip & Bonesword, Scything Talons, Wings, Hive Commander, Paroxysm, Leech Essence
Tervigon - Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Dominion, Scything Talons
The Doom of Malan'tai - Mycetic Spore
Ymgarl Genestealer Brood - 10x Ymgarl Genestealers
Termagaunt Brood - 10x Termagaunts with Devourers
Tervigon - Catalyst, Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Dominion, Scything Talons
Genestealer Brood - 14x Genestealers with Scything Talons
Trygon Prime - Adrenal Glands
Trygon Prime - Adrenal Glands

On a final note, Mindstrike missiles make me want to hit baby harp seals with a bat... Tyranid Synapse Creatures go down like flies to them and the jerks dont even need to wound us