Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tournament: Ard Boyz summary

Not going to go into super huge detail over the missions, nor my opponents, there were only 4 of us this time, which was disappointing, but made for some crazy games nontheless. The army breakdown was 1 Space Wolves, 1 Orks, 1 Tyranids and 1 IG. Needless to say, the IG player crushed the rest of us for full points all 3 rounds(I managed to last to Turn 5 though :) ). I drew against the Space Wolves and Orks, and managed to edge out the Orks by 1 Battle Point for third place, so am going to be heading to the Semi-Finals, luck willing. The list I used is below:

285 - Hive Tyrant - Wings, Scything Talons, Lash Whip/Bonesword, Adrenal Glands, Regeneration, Leech Essence, Paroxysm

150 - Hive Guard x3

220 - Zoanthropes x3, Mycetic Spore

230 - Ymgarl Genestealers x10

50 - Termagaunts x10

50 - Termagaunts x10

195 - Tervigon - Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst, Dominion

195 - Tervigon - Adrenal Glands, Toxin Sacs, Catalyst, Dominion

188 - Genestealers - 9x Genestealers, 1x Broodlord with Scything Talons

186 - Genestealers - 9x Genestealers, 1x Broodlord

250 - Trygon Prime - Adrenal Glands

250 - Trygon Prime - Adrenal Glands

250 - Trygon Prime - Adrenal Glands

2499 total