Friday, November 25, 2011

The Future(and a little of the present as well)

I realize it's been over a month since my last post, and that the promised articles still haven't shown up. I am sorry for that, and am still going to post them, it's just been a kind of slump for me with 40k, at least with the Tyranids and Space Wolves. I've also been investing pretty heavily into Dark Eldar, so expect some articles on them to start showing up in the coming weeks, especially once my semester ends. All told, things should start turning around once I start having some time to devote to the hobby, instead of an hour here or there.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

NEWS: I live!

Yes! I know it's been a while since I posted any articles. Getting slammed with repeated homework assignments/exams'll do that :)... however, I intend to throw together an article at some point this weekend on my Space Wolf Land Speeders and how I went about magnetizing all the weapon options. Also coming soon... an article on how I built my Harpy and plans for the future, which are looking darker and darker haha.......

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Ard Boyz 2011 Results

Well, partial ones anyway

Friday, September 16, 2011

Ard Boyz 2011

Well, a little behind on talking about it, but with Ard Boyz Semifinals tomorrow figured I'd at least share my list and general plan for the day:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Army Back Story


Monday, September 12, 2011

Astorath the Grim

Here is the leader of my army, Astorath the Grim.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Complete Army List

1750 Blood Angels Army List

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Captain Model redone for Death Company

The only part that I kept from the old captain was the jump pack everything else I remade to make it more blood angels.

The rest of the Death Company will be done as soon as I get my shipment of Jump Packs in.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hobby: Assault Squad

Assault Squad (Final)

Standard way of painting as all of the other units, same things with the detail and all. The unit has many ornate pieces on them, I showcased this by giving a close up pic of the Sgt in the unit. The bits came from the death company box set and I think they look really good for regular blood angels as well.

Hobby: Ymgarl Genestealers in progress

Well, I've been slacking off somewhat with moving into my apartment and school starting, but got myself to finish the scheme for my Ymgarls, shown after the break.

The first of the Order of the Saturnine

Ok as promised, here are the pictures of the first models I have done for the Order of the Saturnine of the Grey Knights. Pictures to be found after the jump

Hobby: Sanguinary Priest Paint

Sanguinary Priest (final). Pictures and details to come after the break.

Hobby: Captain Paint so far.

Work in Progress since I am changing the captain to Death company, but this is the current progress. More after the break.

Greetings: Hello

I was told by both Arba and Tobba that I should post the army that I am building here. I will also give some background information in regards to myself and my army.

Greetings: Hello all

Hey guys,

Tobba brought me in to bring some new traffic to his blog. So I'll introduce myself first. I've been playing this game since 2000. I started playing Dark Angels back in 3rd edition, jumped around to just about every army before settling on Space Wolves. I've been playing Space Wolves since then and I have a swank Space Wolf army to boot (sometime I'll post pictures). However I have an insatiable hunger to convert, so I often have 5 or 10 projects going on and murdering my wallet. However at this time I have a nice new project going on, slowly, so I present to you my contributions to this blog.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tournament: Ard Boyz summary

Not going to go into super huge detail over the missions, nor my opponents, there were only 4 of us this time, which was disappointing, but made for some crazy games nontheless. The army breakdown was 1 Space Wolves, 1 Orks, 1 Tyranids and 1 IG. Needless to say, the IG player crushed the rest of us for full points all 3 rounds(I managed to last to Turn 5 though :) ). I drew against the Space Wolves and Orks, and managed to edge out the Orks by 1 Battle Point for third place, so am going to be heading to the Semi-Finals, luck willing. The list I used is below:

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hobby: Tyrannofex conversion

Whew, so it's been a hectic few weeks since my last post, but I've slowly been trucking along on the tyranids as well. Haven't gotten as much painting done as I would have liked, but I finally did manage to kick myself into starting work on my Tyrannofex. I've had the conversion planned out for a while, and even had the parts to do it, but just lacked the time/motivation. However, I can now look with pride at the finished product and call it done. Pictures to follow after the break.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

BATTLE REPORTS: Marathon match

Whew, just got 3 of the 4 games i was due to play in the summer campaign my FLGS was running, I was playing my Tyranids, he was running Grey Knights. Dont have pictures sadly, but the final tally was two wins for the bugs and one for the knights. The two games I won were both Capture and Control, and were due mainly to me fiercely holding my objective, while one of my Trygon Prime went after his in one game and my Ymgarls ripped the squad holding his in the other to little bits. The third game was Annihilation, and his list that game was all mech/Jump Infantry Dreadknights... without much ranged firepower I couldnt catch those blasted Stormravens. Oh well...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

HOBBY: My First Gaunt

Well, with a little help from Fritz's article on Bell of Lost Souls, found here, I've finished the body of my first test Gaunt. I really like how it turned out, and it ended up only taking a few minutes to do. More after the jump.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

BATTLE REPORT: Tyranids vs Grey Knights

So got a game in using my new Tyranid forces, had to proxy a couple things, including my Tervigons and Venonthropes, but other than that had pretty much everything I needed. The list I used was

NEWS: Of Armies and Titles

As you may have noticed, the name of the blog has been changed from Sons of Fenris to Fist and Fang. This is to reflect my acquisition of a Tyranid army. I've played the Bugs on two seperate occasions before, and had fun with both times, but due to financial difficulties had to sell both those armies. It was my luck that the guy who had bought my second army from me sold it back to me, with a lot of additions, some of which were a bit out of date for the latest codex, but nothing a bit of green stuff and knife work cant fix.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mini-Report: Space Wolves vs Blood Angels

Just a short one, didnt have my camera handy for photos.
Points: 1750
Scenario: Annihilation
Deployment: Spearhead

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hobby: Thunderwolf Cavalry

I recently ordered a supply of Thunderwolf models from a small Phillippines company called Mythicast. Their website can be found at After a relatively short time(not even 20 days in all), a pretty small box arrived into my clutching hands. After taking tally to make sure nothing was broken, I started assembling my Wolf Lord, shown below.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Of things now and to come

I know that I haven't been very active with this blog, but I'm hoping to change that in the coming weeks/months, starting with the change to the title of this blog. I've been working hard on building a Space Wolf force to be proud of, and more importantly to have every single model painted to a good tabletop standard. Expect a couple articles to be coming down the pipe soon about modeling and painting, especially on my Thunderwolf Cavalry